

发表于 2017-2-26 20:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2017-2-28 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Targeted Malware Campaign Uses HWP Documents

作者信息:February 25, 2017 By Ionut Arghire

A recently observed targeted malware campaign against South Korean users was using Hangul Word Processor (HWP) documents as the infection vector, Talos researchers reveal.

HWP的全称是:Hangul Word Processor 韩文字处理软件的文档文件扩展名。


Responding to a SecurityWeek inquiry via email, a Talos representative said they couldn’t attribute the attacks to a specific actor: “The attackers had access to native Korean speakers and have a high degree of sophistication. However, any conjecture about what specific group or nation state might be behind the attack is pure speculation as the patterns are consistent with a few groups”.


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发表于 2017-2-28 22:05 | 显示全部楼层
2、安全团队揭示恶意软件Shamoon 2攻击技术细节
标题:Shamoon 2 malware, ASERT has shed light on the C2 and the infection process

作者信息:February 26, 2017  By Pierluigi Paganini

The analysis conducted by Arbor Networks on the Shamoon 2 malware has shed light on the control infrastructure and the infection process.
Security researchers from Arbor Networks’ Security Engineering and Response Team (ASERT) have conducted a new analysis of the Shamoon 2 malware discovering further details on the tools and techniques used by the threat actor.
安全公司Arbor Networks发现了恶意代码Shamoon的变种Shamoon 2,并发布了详细的分析报告,揭示其C2服务构架以及感染全过程,对其采用的工具以及技术进行新的揭示。这个新变种Shamoon 2 恶意代码是在去年的11月份被首次发现的。而另外一家安全公司Palo Alto Networks在今年的一月份发现了该恶意代码的另外一个变种,该变种能攻击虚拟机产品。这个Shamoon恶意代码其实从2012年开始就露头了,它还有一个名字Disttrack,最开始其目标对象是沙特阿拉伯的石油巨头 Saudi Aramco。那时该恶意代码的最显著的特征是能直接彻底删除被感染系统的硬盘的数据。据说当时造成了约3万台电脑的数据被毁,该恶意代码还修改了被感染机器启动过程,一启动被感染机器就会显示一副燃烧的美国国旗的图像。
本次报告分析的变种Shamoon 2的感染对象则是石油化工企业以及沙特的中央银行。
该恶意代码的投递过程依然是经典的借助DOC文档作为掩护,当用户打开文档后,诱使用户启用该文档中的宏。一旦启动,就是借助PowerShell下载真正的恶意代码Shamoon 2。

Another evidence that links Shammon 2 malware to Iranian hackers was a “sloo.exe” file dumped by the malicious code in a targeted PC’s Temp folder.
“Unlike newer samples, this one created a unique file ‘sloo.exe’. The file was created at C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\sloo.exe. In addition to this file, the sample also contacted 104.238.184[.]252 for the PowerShell executable.” reads the technical analysis published by Arbor Networks.
根据Arbor Networks公司的安全研究人员的分析,该Shamoon 2 恶意代码的幕后真凶是来自伊朗的黑客团队。一个文件例证是名为sloo.exe的文件被发现保存在临时目录下:C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\sloo.exe. 除了这个文件外,该样本还链接到一个IP为104.238.184.252的服务器。

[20170201] 1、安全厂商发现恶意代码Shamoon针对沙特组织
[20170129] 1、安全厂商解析Shamoon攻击组织完整作业过程
[20170126] 4、Shamoon所用被盗证书疑由GreenBug组织提供
[20170111] 3、安全厂商发现Shamoon2变种针对虚拟化产品
[20161206] 2、安全厂商发布Shamoon 2恶意代码分析报告
[20161203] 3、Shamoon组织使用恶意代码擦除目标主机

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发表于 2017-2-28 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
标题:SHA1 碰撞攻击的第一位受害者:WebKit 版本控制系统

作者信息:2017年02月26日 15时11分 星期日 By pigsrollaroundinthem

SHA1 碰撞攻击出现了第一位受害者:WebKit 项目使用的开源版本控制系统 Apache SVN(或 SVN)。在某人上传 Google 公布的两个 SHA1 值相同但内容不同的 PDF 文件后,版本控制系统出现严重问题。SVN 使用 SHA1 去跟踪和合并重复的文件。SVN 维护者已经释出了一个脚本工具拒绝 SHA1 碰撞攻击所生成的 PDF 文件。与此同时,版本控制系统 Git 的作者 Linus Torvalds 在其 Google+ 账号上称,天没有塌下来,Git 确实需要替换 SHA1,这需要时间,并不需要现在就去做。

Watershed SHA1 collision just broke the WebKit repository, others may follow
"Please exercise care" with colliding PDFs, researchers advise software developers.
DAN GOODIN - 2/25/2017, 4:28 AM
https://arstechnica.com/security ... -others-may-follow/
Thursday's watershed attack on the widely used SHA1 hashing function has claimed its first casualty: the version control system used by the WebKit browser engine, which became completely corrupted after someone uploaded two proof-of-concept PDF files that have identical message digests.
The bug resides in Apache SVN, an open source version control system that WebKit and other large software development organizations use to keep track of code submitted by individual members. Often abbreviated as SVN, Subversion uses SHA1 to track and merge duplicate files. Somehow, SVN systems can experience a severe glitch when they encounter the two PDF files published Thursday, proving that real-world collisions on SHA1 are now practical.


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发表于 2017-2-28 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Carders capitalize on Cloudflare problems, claim 150 million logins for sale
Filed under proof or it didn't happen… but we still don't know the full impact of Cloudflare's incident

作者信息:FEB 25, 2017 12:25 AM PT By Steve Ragan

A carder forum is advertising a special deal to VIP members. The website claims to possess more than 150 million logins, from a number of services including Netflix and Uber. The source of this data collection are the accounts exposed due to a recent problem on Cloudflare's infrastructure.
CloudBleed is the name given to a flaw created by a faulty HTML parser chain that's responsible for dumping sensitive information from a number of Cloudflare customers across the web.
The flaw was accidentally discovered last week by Google researcher Tavis Ormandy. The incident impacted several large brands, including Uber, OKCupid, and Fitbit.

CVV2Finder lists Netflix, Dominos, several "People Meet" dating websites, Tidal, CBS, Bitdefender, Origin, Dell, UPS, HBO Now, Spotify, and DirecTV accounts in their database as available to purchase. However, there are only 2,300 accounts, a far cry from the 150 million they are promising.
Again, if the offer is legit, that's bad news for a lot of people and several big brands. But from the looks of things, this is likely a hoax, or a website boasting in order to get more users.
We'll update this article if there is more information.
一个网站CVV2Finder列出了各种网站的数据包含其中。榜上有名的:Netflix,Dominos,各种约会网站,Tidal,CBS,Bitdefender(一个安全公司),Origin,DELL,UPS,HBO Now,Spotify,DirecTV等等。总数2300个,这与宣传的1.5亿相去甚远。


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发表于 2017-2-28 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Hacker Group Defaces Hundreds of Websites After Hacking UK Hosting Firm

作者信息:February 25, 2017 06:05 PM By Catalin Cimpanu

A hacking crew that goes by the name of National Hackers Agency (NHA) has defaced 605 websites in one go after they managed to get access to a server from UK hosting firm DomainMonster.

NHA是National Hackers Agency的缩写,显然抄袭自National Security Agency.


During the past month, multiple hacking crews have used a security flaw in the WordPress CMS to deface over 1.5 million web pages, and even escalate their access enough to install backdoors and take over servers.


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发表于 2017-2-28 22:10 | 显示全部楼层
标题:US Oil and Gas Industry unprepared to mitigate risks in operational technology (OT) environments

作者信息:February 26, 2017  By Pierluigi Paganini

A study commissioned by Siemens revealed that US oil and gas industry is unprepared to mitigate cybersecurity risks in operational technology environments.

Negligent and malicious or criminal insiders are considered the principal threats to the U.S. oil and gas industry.
“Together negligent and malicious or criminal insiders pose the most serious threat to critical operations. Sixty-five percent of respondents say the top cybersecurity threat is the negligent or careless insider and 15 percent of respondents say it is the malicious or criminal insider.”
Let’s close with a look at the factors that pose the major risks to the organizations. Roughly 60 percent of respondents pointed out outdated and aging control systems or vulnerable IT products used in production environments.


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