

发表于 2017-2-2 22:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2017-2-3 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Warning: Malware is showing up in job applicants’ files

作者信息:February 1, 2017 By Christian Schappel

Be aware: There’s a new kind of malware computer attack targeting HR professionals.

So how can HR pros protect themselves, as well as their companies’ data:
Ask IT for some tips on how to identify and separate malicious content from safe content.
If anything suspicious comes into your inbox, talk to an IT professional before opening it.
Don’t enable macros on Microsoft Office documents.
Upload any attachments from untrusted sources to a cloud-based server, like Google Docs. This will allow you to open the files online, rather than on your computer. This tends to be safer than opening files directly on your computer.
Make sure you’ve got the latest version of your operating system, and that your anti-virus/anti-malware software is up to date.
a 咨询本企业的IT部门,如何识别恶意邮件;
b 如果自己拿不准,最好先请教IT部门;
c 打开Office文档时,不要启用宏;
d 如果非要打开office文档,建议先可以上传到Google Docs云中,Google支持在线打开,这样即使有勒索的情况发生,也不会影响到本地;
e 经常升级操作系统的版本到最新,并安装合适的安全软件,并保持持续更新。


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发表于 2017-2-3 22:29 | 显示全部楼层
2、RIG EK传播勒索软件新变种CryptoShield
标题:A new CryptoShield Ransomware being distributed via EITest campaign

作者信息:February 1, 2017  By Pierluigi Paganini

Security researcher Kafeine discovered a new ransomware dubbed CryptoShield that is being distributed via EITest campaign through the RIG exploit kit.
安全公司ProofPoint security的研究人员发现了一个新的勒索软件,其命名为CryptoShield,它们通过RIG的漏洞利用包传播,该行动的代号为EITest.其实该勒索软件并不是一个全新的,而是 CryptoMix勒索软件的变种。黑客们通常会黑掉一些网站,然后EITest行动采用JavaScript脚本注入到网站中,一旦有用户访问这些被黑的网站,就会中招。

It is important to keep up to date every program and the OS, exploit kit triggers vulnerabilities in installed software to infect your computer.
The hash for this varian of the ransomware is:
sha256: bb65f0bf3d827958ae447c80ba824e214601094d4dc860b9decc08caae7dd89c


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发表于 2017-2-3 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Fake Chrome Font Update Attack Distributes Ransomware

作者信息:February 01, 2017 By Ionut Arghire

A malware campaign targeting Chrome users with fake font update notifications is now distributing ransomware instead of ad fraud malware, researchers have discovered.
勒索软件Spora近期通过仿冒字体安装传播,其对象非常明确:Windows平台下的Chrome浏览器。一旦用户被引导其预制页面,黑客会故意在页面上显示一些异常字符,并提示用户需要安装Chrome的字体插件才能正常浏览,一旦用户运行,则会将勒索软件下载到本地。本来原来都是广告的,近期刚刚被勒索软件替代。该消息的来源是Proofpoint security 安全公司。

Leveraging Windows CryptoAPI for encryption, the malware uses a mix of RSA and AES and a complex key generation operation that allows it to encrypt files without access to a command and control (C&C) server. What’s more, the encryption process was found to be strong enough to ensure that a decryption tool destined for one victim would not work for another.


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发表于 2017-2-3 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Ransomware And The Boot Process

作者信息:Feb 01, 2017 By  Raul Alvarez

Since its discovery in early 2016, we have tracked a number variations of Petya, a ransomware variant famous for multi-stage encryption that not only locks your computer, but also overwrites the Master Boot Record. Petya continues to persist, and in this blog we will take a deeper look at its more complex second stage of attack.

Wrap Up
Most ransomware still allows you to use the infected machine to pay the ransom. But Petya doesn’t give you that opportunity. You have to use a different computer to go online, pay the ransom, and get the decryption key. But be aware that if you pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that you will recover your infected system.
The userland version of ransomware is easier to analyze than an MBR version like Petya. It is interesting to note how different strategies and deployments of ransomware pose a different threat to different victims. The modification of MBR or other sectors in the hard drive requires elevated privilege. Which means that one way to effectively avoid infection with similar malware or ransomware is to lower your privilege level in your computer system. Our advice is to always login to your computer with a non-admin account.
Always follow best safety practices to avoid being infected, including regularly installing patches and updates, scheduled drive scanning with updated AV files, filtering your web and email traffic, and scanning links and attachments before clicking on them. And for ransomware, a consistent backup strategy will save you a lot of headaches. Stay safe.


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发表于 2017-2-3 22:33 | 显示全部楼层
5、研究者剖析勒索软件Locky Bart工作原理
标题:Researchers Dissect Potent "Locky Bart" Ransomware

作者信息:February 01, 2017 By Ionut Arghire

A closer look at the inner workings of the Locky Bart ransomware and its backend have provided security researchers with a better understanding of its features compared to those of its predecessors.
安全公司Malwarebytes Labs解密了最新发现的一种勒索软件Locky Bart的庐山真面目:其前后台的工作机制。

“This research into Locky Bart ransomware gives a great view of the side of a ransomware operation that we typically do not get to see, the backend. The criminals who run these operations do so on an extremely professional level, and users should always take an extra step in protecting themselves from these types of attacks,” the security researchers note.
分析Locky Bart勒索软件,并直接与勒索者进行沟通,部分卸下了勒索者的神秘面纱,这在之前是很难想象的。这些勒索软件的后台支持显得相当专业。


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发表于 2017-2-3 22:34 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Schneider Data Center Monitoring Product Leaks Passwords

作者信息:February 01, 2017 By Eduard Kovacs

Schneider Electric has released an update for its StruxureWare Data Center Expert software suite to address a high severity vulnerability related to how the product stores passwords.

Schneider rolled out a firmware update to patch the XSS flaw in the homeLYnk controller, and provided mitigation advice for the Wonderware Historian security hole.
与此同时,施耐德电气还为其homeLYnk控制器发布了一个固件升级补丁,以修补其存在的XSS跨站漏洞,同时提供了Wonderware Historian安全建议。

//下载: SEVD-2016-343-01 - DataCenter Expert v2.pdf (412.89 KB, 下载次数: 22)
文件名:SEVD-2016-343-01 - DataCenter Expert v2.pdf
文件大小:422,799 bytes
MD5     : 7137CC6CD1C4AF7D7FC1F693BDE4C381


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