

发表于 2016-12-22 22:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2016-12-23 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
标题:网曝俄黑客奇幻熊成功通过恶意安卓应用 入侵乌克兰炮兵部队

作者信息:2016-12-22 15:59:20 By cnBeta

近日,信息安全公司CrowdStrike曝光了隶属于俄国黑客组织奇幻熊(Fancy Bear)的数名黑客,成功利用安卓恶意应用入侵了乌克兰炮兵部队的武器系统。报告称,2014-2016年间,恶意软件成功地被用于追踪如苏制D-30榴弹炮之类的单位。证据显示这些恶意软件将大量乌克兰火炮单位的位置信息等机密军事情报输送给俄军方,并被用于向东乌克兰亲俄势力提供支持。

该黑客组织被认为与俄政府有密切关系,该组织成员利用感染有X-Agent控件的某个重要安卓应用,在乌克兰军事论坛中传播,成功地感染了数名在乌克兰炮兵部队工作的员工安卓手机。这个应用原本由乌炮军军官Yaroslav Sherstuk开发,能够将火炮瞄准时间从数分钟缩短至15秒内。奇幻熊黑客将恶意软件植入应用安装包,以“Попр-Д30.apk”文件名成功打入社区内部,约有9000台安卓设备感染了含有恶意软件的安卓应用。


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发表于 2016-12-23 23:39 | 显示全部楼层
标题:OurMine Hacks Netflix’s Twitter Account
Netflix now trying to get back control of the account
作者信息:Dec 21, 2016 13:45 GMT By Bogdan Popa

Hackers who are part of the group called OurMine have managed to get control of the official Netflix Twitter account and post public messages to the nearly 2.5 million followers.

For the moment, it’s better not to click on any links that the official Netflix account might post on Twitter, as the company is still trying to recover after the hack. More information on what happened will most likely be tweeted by Netflix later today.


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发表于 2016-12-23 23:40 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Spam "Hailstorms" Deliver Variety of Threats

作者信息:December 21, 2016 By Ionut Arghire

Spam campaigns have evolved from sending a low number of messages for long periods of time to sending a high volume of emails over a short time span, which improves delivery rates before protection mechanisms can be triggered, Cisco Talos researchers warn.

“As outlined in the examples, hailstorm comes in several flavors. We expect to see it evolve over time as anti-spam systems make it harder and harder for spammers to deliver their payload,” Cisco says.


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发表于 2016-12-23 23:41 | 显示全部楼层
4、西门子Desigo PX和SIMATIC产品发现安全漏洞
标题:Vulnerabilities Found in Siemens Desigo PX, SIMATIC Products

作者信息:December 21, 2016 By Eduard Kovacs

Siemens has made available workarounds and patches that address medium and high severity vulnerabilities found in the company’s Desigo PX and SIMATIC automation products.

“The affected devices use a pseudo random number generator with insufficient entropy to generate certificates for HTTPS, potentially allowing remote attackers to reconstruct the corresponding private key,” Siemens said.
The issue affects various Desigo PX Web modules for automation controllers running firmware versions prior to 6.00.046.


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发表于 2016-12-23 23:44 | 显示全部楼层
标题:European Information Security Advisory Says Mandating Encryption Backdoors Will Just Make Everything Worse

作者信息: Wed, Dec 21st 2016 3:23am by Tim Cushing

More and more entities involved in government work are coming out in support of encryption. (Unfortunately, many governments are still periodically entertaining backdoor legislation...) While recognizing the limits it places on law enforcement and surveillance agencies, they're not quite willing to sacrifice the security of everyone to make work easier for certain areas of the government.

Ultimately, ENISA concludes that tech advancements do pose legitimate challenges to law enforcement/national security efforts, but backdoors are no way to solve the problem. But the solution it does suggest isn't much better. Here in the US, courts routinely defer to Congress when the remedy sought isn't within their power. Over in the EU, ENISA suggests legislative measures are the wrong approach.

//下载: 2016-12-12-ENISA opinion paper on encryption.pdf (848.18 KB, 下载次数: 32)
文件名:2016-12-12-ENISA opinion paper on encryption.pdf
文件大小:868,536 bytes
MD5     : A2D05FC4C543C026F79C058748496EB7


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发表于 2016-12-23 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Instant Verification lets mobile users authenticate themselves without an SMS
But you do need to be running the Facebook app…

作者信息: December 22, 2016 10:11 am  By David Bisson

Facebook has created a new feature called Instant Verification that is designed to help Android users login to online accounts and services without all the fuss of confirming their email address or dealing with a verification code sent by SMS.
快速认证Instant Verification是Facebook最近推出的一个组件,利用它用户可以快速的在Android手机上登录,而不用传统的需要2步。但是用户必须安装并运行该APP才可以。

Developers should muse over that question carefully before they decide to build Instant Verification into their apps.


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