

发表于 2016-11-25 22:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2016-11-26 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Comodo Detects New Family of Sophisticated Financial Malware

作者信息:November 22, 2016 By Comodo

Comodo Threat Research Labs (CTRL) has announced that it has detected a new family of financial malware dubbed as “Gugi/Fanta/Lime”. It is a sophisticated Banking Trojan that can bypass the standard security protocols of an Android operating system (version 6), and take over the operating system. The financial malware seeks system privileges and user credentials, and once it gains them it acquires complete control of the Android device.

The Trojan sends an SMS to a Command and Control (CnC) server to establish contact. It uses the WebSocket protocol for interacting with its CnC servers. The malware now overlays authentic app screens with phishing windows and steals all information that is entered on the screens – this includes login credentials and card details.
The “Gugi/Fanta/Lime” Trojan has been mainly used to attack users in Russia till now, and considering its potency, it can be expected to be used worldwide in the future.
网银木马获取的手机信息含有: 设备识别码IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), 用户识别码IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber identity), 用户ID SubscriberId, SIM卡运营商号码SimOperatorName 以及SIM的国家代码 SimCountryIso. 网银木马通过社工和钓鱼邮件对潜在目标发起攻击,一旦用户点击,它会伪装成正规的APP的运行界面或者是正规网上银行APP的界面,并截获用户输入的敏感信息。有个这些信息后,该网银木马会通过短信SMS给C2控制服务器发送信息来建立联系。采用的协议是WebSocket。该网银目前主要是在俄罗斯流行,但是也许不久的将来会逐步传播到世界其他地

点评:Android下的安全推荐AVL Pro!

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发表于 2016-11-26 19:57 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Hackers Can Steal Tesla Cars Using Android App
Security researchers demonstrate new vulnerabilities

作者信息:Nov 24, 2016 09:17 GMT By Bogdan Popa

Hacking a Tesla is a thing we’ve seen before, but this time a team of security researchers at a company called Promon managed to locate, unlock, and steal a car using just an Android app.

What’s also important to note is that this isn’t a vulnerability in Tesla cars themselves, but a glitch in mobile apps that could be used by attackers to
steal the vehicles. Researchers explain that this only shows the risks of having objects controlled by smartphone apps, and recommend users to update their systems and apps and to always, but always, avoid downloading apps coming from untrusted sources.

点评:这个说到底还是APP的安全,Android下的安全推荐AVL Pro!能买得起Tesla就千万不要连接啥免费的WIFI了,特别是在充电桩附近时^^

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发表于 2016-11-26 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
标题:DDoS-for-hire service now advertising renting out a 400,000 bot-strong Mirai botnet
Security researchers believe that the hackers most likely are operators of the largest known Mirai botnet.

作者信息:November 25, 2016 04:14 GMT By India Ashok

The two hackers claimed that they had access to Mirai’s source code much before a hacker going by the pseudonym Anna_Senpai, made its source code public.A DDoS-for-hire service, run by two hackers going by the pseudonyms Popopret and BestBuy, is now reportedly advertising a Mirai botnet up for rent. The Mirai botnet allegedly comprises of over 400,000 infected bots and may have been sired from the original Mirai source code.

Popopret and BestBuy allegedly refrained from providing evidence of their botnet's capabilities, in efforts to avoid detection. However, the two hackers
claimed that they had access to Mirai's source code much before a hacker going by the pseudonym Anna_Senpai, made its source code public. The hackers' claims indicate that the duo may be possibly linked to Anna_Senpai, who is also believed to be Mirai's creator.

点评: 又见未来Mirai.....

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发表于 2016-11-26 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
标题:DDoS attack on the Russian banks: what the traffic data showed

作者信息:November 24, 2016. 8:57 am By Alexander Khalimonenko

From November 8 to 12, websites of some of the largest Russian banks fell victim to heavy DDoS attacks. Initially, it was no indication of anything unusual – all well-known banks get attacked from time to time – but further developments have evolved in the manner that allowed us to suggest a high level of organization in regards to the series of attacks.

To a certain extent, our findings correlate with the reports that appeared in the press referring to the attacks being ordered from a certain DDoS service.
According to its owner, the persons who ordered the attacks were unhappy with the influence that Russia allegedly had on the US Presidential election and the websites of major Russian banks were selected as high-profile targets whose operational difficulties would definitely be noticed.


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发表于 2016-11-26 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
标题:EU CYBER ATTACK: Hackers launch huge raid on European Commission computers
HACKERS have launched a ‘large-scale’ cyber attack on the European Commission computer networks, according to reports.

作者信息:07:45, Fri, Nov 25, 2016  By SIMON OSBORNE

Hackers have launched a cyber attack on the European Commission
It is understood cybersecurity systems ensured the attack was thwarted before any breach of data occurred.
A spokesman told politico.eu: “The attack has so far been successfully stopped with no interruption of service, although connection speeds have been
affected for a time. No data breach has occurred.”
The Commission’s IT department later sent out an email which said: “This afternoon, the European Commission was subject to a cyberattack (denial of
service) which resulted in the saturation of our Internet connection.”
Cybersecurity systems kept the hackers at bay
It is still unclear who was trying to hack into the Commission’s system but Russian hackers will be among the chief suspects.
US security chiefs said recent cyber attacks on US interests could be traced back to Russia and in many cases were carried out on the orders of the Kremlin. And Britain is investing £1.9billion to improve cyber-defences after MI5 spychief Andrew Parker voiced concerns about the “covert threat” Russia poses to the UK.

Britain is spending £1.9bn upgrading cybersecurity systems
The security chief said: "It is using its whole range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways -
involving propaganda, espionage, subversion and cyber-attacks.
"Russia is at work across Europe and in the UK today. It is MI5's job to get in the way of that."


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发表于 2016-11-26 20:02 | 显示全部楼层

作者信息:2016年11月24日 16时16分 星期四 By pigsrollaroundinthem

以色列公司 Cellebrite 的雇员只要几秒时间就能从一部锁定的手机内窃取数据。该公司曾在今年初被报道向FBI提供技术解锁San Bernardino枪击案枪手的iPhone手机,但后来有报道称该公司并未参与。尽管如此,Cellebrite 的手机取证技术仍然是行业内的佼佼者,它的很多客户是政府机构和执法部门。Cellebrite能从手机上窃取大量私人信息,甚至包括已经删除的短信内容。公司雇员入侵的是一部 LG G4 Android智能手机,该公司的实验室有1.5万部手机,每个月增加150到200部新型号。公司高管Leeor Ben-Peret称,苹果的手机比较难破解,但该公司自信能破解最新款的iPhone。

Israeli firm Cellebrite's technology provides a glimpse of a world of possibilities accessible to security agencies globally that worry privacy advocates.
The company has contracts in more than 115 countries, many with governments, and it shot to global prominence in March when it was reported the FBI used its technology to crack the iPhone of one of the jihadist-inspired killers in San Bernardino, California.
There have since been reports that Cellebrite was in fact not involved, and the company itself refuses to comment.
Regardless, it is recognised as one of the world's leaders in such technology.
It can reportedly take a wide range of information off devices: from the content of text messages to potentially details of where a person was at any given moment.Even messages deleted years before can be potentially retrieved.
"There are many devices that we are the only player in the world that can unlock," Leeor Ben-Peretz, one of the company's top executives, told AFP in
English.But privacy and rights activists worry such powerful technology can wind up in the wrong hands, leading to abuses.


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