

发表于 2016-11-24 20:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2016-11-25 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
1、滥用Telegram API勒索软件TeleCrypt被破解
标题:滥用 Telegram API 的勒索软件被破解

作者信息:2016年11月23日 20时04分 星期三 By pigsrollaroundinthem

名叫 TeleCrypt 的勒索软件滥用 Telegram API,将流行的即时通讯软件作为CC指令控制中心。该勒索软件针对的是俄罗斯用户,用Delphi编写,大小3MB,感染之后会向受害者勒索5000卢布。幸运的是, TeleCrypt 使用的加密并不强,Malwarebytes的研究人员发现它的加密方法十分简单,因此开发出了破解程序,帮助受害者解密加密的文件。破解程序需要 .NET 4.0。



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发表于 2016-11-25 18:11 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Madison Square Garden Discovers Payment System Breach

作者信息:November 23, 2016 By Eduard Kovacs

The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG) informed customers on Tuesday that their payment card data may have been stolen by cybercriminals who installed a piece of malware on its payment processing system.

“Far too many organizations focus on checklist goals and meeting their latest PCI compliance audit instead of actively monitoring payment card networks for indicators of compromise that may be indicative of a breach. The bottom line is simple: attackers don’t care that you passed your last audit,” Henderson added.
Several major companies reported suffering a payment card breach in the past months, including HEI, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Noodles & Company, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Eddie Bauer and Omni Hotels.

点评:细节未透露:恶意代码是如何进入支付系统的;何种系统;何种恶意代码。但是监测预警真的很重要!网安法第51条:国家建立网络安全监测预警和信息通报制度。 意思是虽然我可能不能100%防住恶意攻击,甚至不能阻断其成功得手,但是即使这样,预防方最低可以及时发现造成的危害,这就是监测预警的涵义吧。

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发表于 2016-11-25 18:14 | 显示全部楼层
标题:InPage zero-day exploit used to attack financial institutions in Asia

作者信息:November 23, 2016. 8:59 am By Denis Legezo

In September 2016, while researching a new wave of attacks, we found an interesting target which appeared to constantly receive spearphishes, a practice we commonly describe as a “magnet of threats”. Among all the attacks received by this magnet of threats, which included various older Office exploits such as CVE-2012-0158, one of them attracted our attention. This file, which was also uploaded to a multiscanner service in September 2016, had an extension that we were unfamiliar with – “.inp”. Further investigation revealed this was an InPage document. InPage, in case you are wondering, is publishing and text processing software, mostly popular with Urdu and Arabic speaking users.
Since no exploits for InPage have previously been mentioned in public, we took a closer look to see if the document was malicious or not. Further analysis indicated the file contained shellcode, which appeared to decrypt itself and further decrypt an EXE file embedded in the document. The shellcode appeared to trigger on several versions of InPage. We don’t observe any public mentions of such exploit so we consider it a zero-day. All our attempts to contact InPage so far have failed.

By all appearances, this newly discovered exploit has been in the wild for several years. In some way, it reminds us of other similar exploits for Hangul Word Processor, another language/region-specific text processing suite used almost exclusively in South Korea. HWP has been plagued by several exploits in the past, which have been used by various threat groups to attack Korean interests.
Despite our attempts, we haven’t been able to get in touch with the InPage developers. By comparison, the Hangul developers have been consistently patching vulnerabilities and publishing new variants that fix these problems. The best defense against exploits is always a multi-layered approach to security. Make sure you have an internet security suite capable of catching exploits generically, such as Kaspersky Internet Security. Installing the Microsoft EMET tool can also help, as well as running the most recent version of Windows (10). Finally, default deny policies, also known as whitelisting can mitigate many such attacks.
The Australian Signals Directorate Top35 list of mitigation strategies shows us that at least 85% of intrusions could have been mitigated by following the top four mitigation strategies together. These are: application whitelisting, updating applications, updating operating systems and restricting administrative privileges.
Kaspersky Lab has technological solutions to cover the first three of these (i.e. all the technology-based strategies) as well as most of the others from Top35 ASD’s list.
从目前的分析结果看,这个所谓的0day漏洞已经存在了多年。分析其原因发现地区性的字符处理软件都可能存在这个类似的问题。比如韩国的HWP(Hangul Word Processor)也是这样情况:基本上只是在韩国使用这个文字处理软件,世界上其他地区的人很少使用这类软件(是不是也类似中国的WPS?).这就使得这类攻击的传播受到地域限制,虽然这样,但是这同样也给发现增加了难度。与韩国HWP不同,目前的这个InPage的开发者好像还不是很容易联系上,这样对修复其致命漏洞肯定是不利的。预防此类攻击据说有4种方法:第一采用白名单的方式;第二种升级应用程序到最新版,以修补最新发现的漏洞;第三种升级操作系统;第四种限制管理员权限。除了最后一种,前三者通过安全软件或者良好的配置习惯就可以完成。


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发表于 2016-11-25 18:14 | 显示全部楼层
标题:FBI展开史上最大规模网络行动 针对120个国家8000个IP进行入侵

作者信息:2016-11-24 16:31 By E安全

E安全11月24日讯 今年1月,有文章报道称FBI方面正采取一项“前所未有”的黑客行动,FBI利用一份通缉令向众多包含儿童色情内容的暗网站点部署恶意软件。如今,这项活动已经开始,且具体规模远超预期。

加州黑斯廷斯学院法学客座助理教授Ahmed Ghappour质疑称:“真正的问题在于:他们是否会利用灌水型攻击,又是否会利用这些网络调查技术以查处Silk Road、毒品市场或者其它类型非法服务的访问者?”

点评:http://www.un.org/zh/member-states/index.html 显示当前整个世界的所有国家的总数都不到200个呀!120个的概念是60%?

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发表于 2016-11-25 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
标题:美国海军遭遇黑客入侵 13.4万名士兵信息泄露

作者信息:2016-11-24 16:37 By E安全

E安全11月24日讯 美国官方已经确认此次数据泄露事故,并表示其正在调查当中。



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发表于 2016-11-25 18:15 | 显示全部楼层

作者信息:2016年11月23日 11时37分 星期三 By pigsrollaroundinthem

苹果iOS系统新发现了一个严重bug,用户只要在 Safari上播放一个.mp4视频(iOS设备不要打开)就能导致任何iOS设备死机,必须硬重启。YouTube视频播客 EverythingApplePro演示了该bug,它会导致系统逐渐失去响应。一种可能的解释是该视频在播放时会导致某种内存泄漏,系统无法正确处理。受影响的iOS版本从iOS 5到iOS 10.2,基本上涵盖了所有的用户使用版本。

Malicious Video Link Can Cause Any iOS Device To Freeze

A new bug in iOS has surfaced that will cause any iOS device to freeze when trying to view a certain .mp4 video in Safari. YouTube channel EverythingApplePro explains the bug in a video titled "This Video Will CRASH ANY iPhone!" 9to5Mac reports:
As you'll see in the video below from EverythingApplePro, viewing a certain video in Safari will cause iOS to essentially overload and gradually become unusable. We won't link the infectious video here for obvious reasons, but you can take our word for it when we say that it really does render your device unusable. It's not apparently clear as to why this happens. The likely reason is that it's simply a corrupted video that's some sort of memory leak and when played, iOS isn't sure how to properly handle it, but there's like more to it than that. Because of the nature of the flaw, it isn't specific to a certain iOS build. As you can see in the video below, playing the video on an iPhone running as far back as iOS 5 will cause the device to freeze and become unusable. Interestingly, with iOS 10.2 beta 3, if you let an iPhone affected by the bug sit there for long enough, it will power off and indefinitely display the spinning wheel that you normally see during the shutdown process. If someone sends you the malicious link and you fall for it, this is luckily a pretty easy problem to fix. All you have to do is hard reboot your device. For any iPhone but the iPhone 7, this can be done by long-pressing the power and Home buttons at the same time. The iPhone 7, of course, uses a new non-mechanical Home button. In order to reboot an iPhone 7, you must long-press the power button and volume down button at the same time.


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