

发表于 2016-11-10 21:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2016-11-11 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
标题:The first cryptor to exploit Telegram

作者信息:November 8, 2016. 10:52 am By Anton Ivanov, Fedor Sinitsyn

Earlier this month, we discovered a piece of encryption malware targeting Russian users. One of its peculiarities was that it uses Telegram Messenger’s communication protocol to send a decryption key to the threat actor. To our knowledge, this is the first cryptor to use the Telegram protocol in an encryption malware case.
What is a cryptor?
In general, cryptors can be classified into two groups: those which maintain offline encryption and those which don’t.
There are several reasons why file encryption malware requires an Internet connection. For instance, the threat actors may send an encryption key to the cryptor and receive data from it which they can later use to decrypt the victim’s encrypted files.
Obviously, a special service is required on the threat actor’s side to receive data from the cryptor malware. That service must be protected from third-party researchers, and this creates extra software development costs.
俄罗斯的即时通信用户又尝鲜了:其常用的即时聊天工具Telegram Messenger被用来作为勒索用户的工具和管道了:本月卡巴的安全研究人员首次发现了利用开源的Telegram Messenger的通信协议传递加密秘钥的恶意代码。

Analyzing the Telegram Trojan
The Telegram Trojan is written in Delphi and is over 3MB in size. After launching, it generates a file encryption key and an infection ID (infection_id).
Then it contacts the threat actors using the publicly available Telegram Bot API and operates as a Telegram bot, using the public API to communicate with its creators.
In order for that to happen, the cybercriminals first create a “Telegram bot”. A unique token from the Telegram servers identifies the newly-created bot and is placed into the Trojan’s body so it can use the Telegram API.
The Trojan then sends a request to the URL https://api.telegram.org/bot<token>/GetMe, where <token> the unique ID of the Telegram bot, created by the cybercriminals, is stored. According to the official API documentation, the method ‘getMe’ helps to check if a bot with the specified token exists and finds out basic information about it. The Trojan does not use the information about the bot that the server returns.
The Trojan sends the next request using the method ‘sendMessage’ which allows the bot to send messages to the chat thread of the specified number. The Trojan then uses the chat number hardwired into its body, and sends an “infection successful” report to its creators:
The Trojan sends the following parameters in the request:
<chat> – number of the chat with the cybercriminal;
<computer_name> – name of the infected computer;
<infection_id> – infection ID;
<key_seed> – number used as a basis to generate the file encryption key.
After sending the information, the Trojan searches the hard drives for files with specific extensions, and encrypts them bytewise, using the simple algorithm of adding each file byte to the key bytes.
该勒索木马采用Dephi语言编写,木马的大小为3MB。一旦启动就会产生一个唯一的加密文件的密码以及一个感染的ID密码:token。随后该勒索木马就会通过Telegram Messenger的公开的API接口与木马的制作者进行联系。用这个感染的ID密码来识别感染的用户。加密文件选择的是用户可能有价值的文档文件,11种文档类型为doc,docx,xls,xlsx,jpg,jpeg,png,dt,dbf,cd以及pdf。而加密的方式则是一个字节一个字节加密文件,当然只是简单的给每个原始文件的单个字节增加一个密数。

点评:Telegram Messenger虽然号称是最安全的即时聊天工具之一,而正是由于其同时的开源特性,可以被勒索软件通过建立僵尸站点的方式利用起来诈骗用户。

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发表于 2016-11-11 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Mirai malware was used in attacks on US candidates' sites

作者信息:2016-11-09 By Anthony Spadafora

The security firm Flashpoint has revealed that the Mirai malware was used in attacks which aimed to take down the sites of candidates ahead of the US presidential election.
Leading up to the US presidential election, hackers did try to take down the campaign sites of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump using the Mirai malware, ultimately being unsuccessful.
Security firm Flashpoint has revealed that four separate 30-second HTTP Layer 7 attacks were launched against the websites of both opponents between 6-7 November. Due to the fact that more hackers have begun to utilise the Mirai botnet, none of the attacks were able to bring either site offline.
有安全公司的研究人员称,在今年的美国总统大选前,其候选人网站曾经遭遇到过Mirai(未来)物联网恶意代码的DDOS攻击,具体网站就是总统候选人Hilary Clinton和Donald Trump两位,

When the source code for the Mirai malware was released online it appeared as though it would give cybercriminals an edge when it came to launching large-scale DDoS attacks. Now though, the opposite appears to be true as they have all begun to compete for connected devices to aid in their attacks.


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发表于 2016-11-11 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Yahoo Reveals More Details About Massive Hack

作者信息:November 10, 2016 By AFP

Yahoo provided more details on Wednesday about an epic hack of its services, including that the culprits may have planted software "cookies" for ongoing access to users' accounts.
In revelations that could jeopardize the company's pending $4.8 billion acquisition by US telecom giant Verizon, the internet pioneer said it was trying to pin down when it first knew its system had been breached and whether hackers gave themselves a way to get back into accounts whenever they wished.

A Verizon executive overseeing the purchase of Yahoo said last month that the deal was moving ahead pending the outcome of an investigation into the hack.
"We are not going to jump off a cliff blindly, but strategically the deal still does make sense to us," Verizon executive vice president Marni Walden said at a technology conference in California.
"What we have to be careful about is what we don't know." He declined to comment on what information or circumstances might cause Verizon to walk away from the deal inked in July.
The company said earlier this month that the breach affecting Yahoo customers could have a "material" effect on the acquisition. Yahoo also warned of the possibility in its filing.
The use of the term "material" suggests a substantive change in Yahoo's value that was not previously known, and which could allow the telecom group to lower its offer or scrap the deal.


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发表于 2016-11-11 14:25 | 显示全部楼层

作者信息:2016年11月09日 20时39分 星期三 By pigsrollaroundinthem

研究人员利用无人机远程控制了部分飞利浦 Hue 智能照明系统。研究人员利用了 ZigBee Light Link Touchlink 系统中的漏洞。ZigBee就此发表声明称,漏洞与ZigBee协议本身无关,而是存在于供应商的协议实现中。利用漏洞,研究人员能绕过禁止远程访问网络的保护措施,安装恶意的固件,让照明系统一闪一闪的发出摩尔斯码的S-O-S。研究人员甚至能屏蔽未来的无线更新,使得感染无法逆转。除了拆开照明系统没有其它方法能重编程感染的设备。飞利浦公司已经在上个月释出了修复该漏洞的补丁。

Researchers hack Philips Hue smart bulbs from the sky
Send in the drones.
Ian Paul
Ian Paul | @ianpaul
Contributor, TechHive Nov 7, 2016 8:36 AM
Security researchers in Canada and Israel have discovered a way to take over the Internet of Things (IoT) from the sky.

Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but the researchers were able to take control of some Philips Hue lights using a drone. Based on an exploit for the ZigBee Light Link Touchlink system, white hat hackers were able to remotely control the Hue lights via drone and cause them to blink S-O-S in Morse code.
The drone carried out the attack from more than a thousand feet away. Using the exploit, the researchers were able to bypass any prohibitions against remote access of the networked light bulbs, and then install malicious firmware. At that point the researchers were able to block further wireless updates, which apparently made the infection irreversible.
“There is no other method of reprogramming these [infected] devices without full disassemble (which is not feasible). Any old stock would also need to be recalled, as any devices with vulnerable firmware can be infected as soon as power is applied,” according to the researchers.
The researchers notified Philips of the vulnerability. The company then delivered a patch for it in October, according to The New York Times.
Why this matters: The ability to attack Philips Hue lighting doesn’t sound all that menacing and more of an inconvenience than anything else. The obvious exception to that would be using the lights to trigger epileptic seizures in vulnerable people, or plunging properties into darkness.
Shedding light on a deeper issue
The bigger issue is that security researchers worry exploits like these could be used to infect devices with a computer worm. That worm could then move on to attack other IoT devices on the same network. The researchers argue this kind of attack could be used to take over a building or an area with a high concentration of connected devices within minutes. All the hacker would have to do is hover over a building with a drone or drive past an area with a computer searching for vulnerable devices.
Taking over massive numbers of IoT devices may sound like alarmist nonsense, but it’s really not that hard to believe. Just a few weeks ago, an IoT botnet was responsible, at least in part, for the major DDoS attack that caused disruptions to U.S. Internet traffic.
Over the past few months, it’s become increasingly clear that while we may be ready to put networked light bulbs, thermostats, and door locks on our homes, the security for many of these devices is still sub-optimal.
http://www.pcworld.com/article/3 ... s-from-the-sky.html


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发表于 2016-11-11 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
标题:Spam and phishing in Q3 2016

作者信息:November 9, 2016. 10:00 am By Darya Gudkova, Maria Vergelis, Nadezhda Demidova

Spam: quarterly highlights

Malicious spam

Throughout 2016 we have registered a huge amount of spam with malicious attachments; in the third quarter, this figure once again increased significantly. According to KSN data, in Q3 2016 the number of email antivirus detections totaled 73,066,751. Most malicious attachments contained Trojan downloaders that one way or another loaded ransomware onto the victim’s computer.


In the third quarter of 2016, the proportion of spam in email traffic increased by 2 p.p. compared to the previous quarter and accounted for 59.19%. The largest percentage of spam – 61.25% – was registered in September. India (14.02%), which was only fourth in the previous quarter, became the biggest source of spam. The top three sources also included Vietnam (11.01%) and the US (8.88%).
The top three countries targeted by malicious mailshots remained unchanged from the previous quarter. Germany (13.21%) came first again, followed by Japan (8.76%) and China (8.37%).
In Q3 2016, Kaspersky Lab products prevented over 37.5 million attempts to enter phishing sites, which is 5.2 million more than the previous quarter. Financial organizations were the main target, with banks the worst affected, accounting for 27.13% of all registered attacks. The most attractive phishing targets in Q3 2016 were clients of four banks located in Brazil.

//下载: Spam-report_Q3-2016_final_ENG.pdf (3.43 MB, 下载次数: 32)
文件大小:3,593,298 bytes
MD5     : EFA18058696D263095C50CE60C460296


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发表于 2016-11-11 14:30 | 显示全部楼层
6、研究人员发现可通过iOS WebView拨打电话
标题:Hackers Can Abuse iOS WebView to Make Phone Calls

作者信息:November 10, 2016 By Eduard Kovacs

The iOS applications of Twitter, LinkedIn and possibly other major vendors can be abused by hackers to initiate phone calls to arbitrary numbers. The attacker can also prevent the victim from ending the call.
Security researcher Collin Mulliner said the cause of the flaw is related to WebView and how the component is handled by some iOS applications. WebView is a browser integrated into mobile apps. It allows developers to build their apps with web technologies, and it’s often used to display web pages inside an application without the need for third-party browsers.


Mulliner started investigating the issue after hearing the story of an 18-year-old teen from Arizona who used a similar exploit to “prank” his friends. However, the teen ended up being arrested because he unknowingly used an exploit designed to trigger calls to 911, causing disruptions to emergency services in his area.
Mulliner provided other examples of serious attacks that can be carried out using this type of exploit.
“DoSing 911 is pretty terrible but there are other examples such as expensive 900 numbers where the attacker can actually make money. A stalker can make his victim dial his phone number so he gets his victim's number. Altogether things you don't want to happen,” he said.


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